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Robotic Cat Toys for 2022

Robotic Cat Toys for 2022

Automatic cat toys and robotic toys bring another dimension of fun and excitement to feline play. Find out which ones are leading on Amazon!

What fish can live with bettas

What fish can live with bettas?

Fish that can live with bettas and are new to the pet trade are catfish known as Cory Catfish. This fish has bright colors and versatile themes that you can...

Why does my cat fart so much?

Why does my cat fart so much?

Because it can just cause an upset digestive system and gas. Some foods that can cause gas in cats actually require food to be broken down due to the fiber...


How do fish have sex?

How do fish get pregnant? The female delivers eggs through a special cavity within her abdomen. Then, these eggs can be fertilized either through the water or within the females...


How long can a fish live out of water?

How long does it take for fish to suffocate? The study found that 55–250 minutes are needed for various species of fishes to become insensible during asphyxiation. Fish that evolved...

How to tell if a cat has fleas?

How to tell if a cat has fleas?

Here are some of the signs cat fleas commonly cause to your pet in order to better recognize that area is flea infested: 1. All non-stop scratching, where the cat...

What to feed a baby bird?

What to feed a baby bird?

Commonly used as a food source for baby birds, and in particular, Great Tits. High-protein moist dog food. Raw kidney or liver (no seasoning) High-protein dog biscuits (moistened) High-protein dog...

Why does my cat bite my feet?

Why does my cat bite my feet?

Cats due to their body height, they choose the most accessible part of yours. The sweat glands in the feet are one of the most available parts of yours by...

What Does Blood Mean in Dog Pee?

What Does Blood Mean in Dog Pee?

What could be the possible causes of having blood in your dog's urine? Find out the real reasons for bloody urine and separate fact from fiction.

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